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イスラエルの空爆がガザの病院をさらに襲うとの警戒が高まるなか、ガザの医療システムとイスラエルによる主要病院の避難命令について、2人の医師に話を聞いた。ガザのアル・アハリ・アル・アラビ病院の整形外科部長であるファデル・ナイム医師は、イスラエルは「病院周辺を爆撃した」と言う。40年以上にわたってガザで救急外傷治療に携わってきたマッズ・ギルバート医師は、イスラエルが証拠もなしに軍事活動の疑惑を利用して市民病院を攻撃したことを非難する。”これはすべて、ガザのパレスチナ人に対する甚大な威嚇の一環なのです “とギルバート医師は言う。”パレスチナ人への具体的な連帯を示すために “エジプトから包囲された領土に入ろうとしているのだ。

“Decontaminated” soil from Fukushima to be spread far and wide
This is how the Japanese government almost literally sweeps the problem of nuclear contamination under the rug. Note how the standard for safety has been relaxed to allow this to take place. Original article appears below the translation. While the Kishida administration is pushing for a “return to nuclear power,” the current situation in Fukushima […]

‘You Have to Learn to Listen’: How a Doctor Cares for Boston’s Homeless
A rare NY Times story about the evolution of a care house and eventual mobile clinic for rough sleepers in Boston founded in the 1980s by feminist nurses in response to the way street people were treated by a paternalistic medical system. Told through the eyes of the clinic’s first doctor, he learned to listen, […]

Left Sectarianism and Ukraine
Vets for Peace members have visited Okinawa in solidarity with the resistance movement against American bases. Will other VFP members uncritically supporting Putin or Nato spell an end to the anti-war movement itself and mean that Okinawans and Palestinians must henceforth go it alone? Pro Putin and pro American military positions on the part of some members of peace organizations might just bring that day closer.

An Epitaph for Kishida’s New Capitalism
By paul arenson
The Kishida government has declared that all Japan taxpayers have a “responsibility” to support its policy of dramatically increasing military expenditures, accepting the premise that Japan’s neighbors are likely to launch an armed attack unless deterred from doing so. This marks the effective end of “New Capitalism.”

added to Tokyoprogressive Jan 27
We will then try to move to turnlefthosting

'We Did It!': Eruption of Joy as Argentine Senate Passes Bill to Legalize Abortion
From CommonDreams Published on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 by Common Dreams 'We Did It!': Eruption of Joy as Argentine Senate Passes Bill to Legalize Abortion “This is a victory for the women’s movement in Argentina, which has been fighting for its rights for decades.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer 0 Comments Pro-choice activists celebrate […]

Shane Dismisses Leading Labor Union Organizers
From Shingetsu News Agency Calendar December 2020 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Ending Poverty in the United States Would Actually Be Pretty Easy
From Jacobin FQ Almost immediately in this book, you confront the maxim, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”: “Antipoverty efforts should stop making assumptions about people’s fishing abilities,” you write. “It’s past time to stop judging […]

The Demand for Student Debt Cancellation Should Be Paired With Tuition-Free Public College
From Jacobin Just earlier this year the nation was compelled to weigh the merits of a full student debt jubilee, as proposed by presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Crucially, he proposed this reform alongside others to higher education, including tuition-free public college and trade school. But Sanders lost, and while the issue of student debt […]

Georgians Are Starving — And Their Millionaire Senators Refuse to Force a Vote on Aid
From Jacobin Loeffler and Perdue Could End This, but They Refuse Loeffler and Perdue are in a position to immediately end this battle right now, if they chose to actually use their power. Senator Mitch McConnell may want to own the libs and economically punish his own destitute state by blocking the $2,000 checks, […]

A Deportation Moratorium, What Comes Next for Biden?
From CommonDreams Published on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 by Speak Freely / ACLU A Deportation Moratorium, What Comes Next for Biden? A deportation moratorium is a critical step to repairing the harm that has been waged against our immigrant communities and reimagining our existing system. by Madhuri Grewal 0 Comments The Biden-Harris administration committed to an […]

2020 Has Shown Us the Way Forward
From CommonDreams You must find a way to get in the way. You must find a way to get in trouble, good trouble, necessary trouble.”— Rep. John Lewis Three people in my family passed away this year within four months of each other: my brother-in-love, from an 18-month battle with cancer; my closest maternal […]

Biden to Invoke Defense Production Act for Vaccine Manufacture. Trump? Playing Golf at Mar-a-Lago
From CommonDreams Published on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 by Informed Comment Biden to Invoke Defense Production Act for Vaccine Manufacture. Trump? Playing Golf at Mar-a-Lago Trump really just doesn’t care. by Juan Cole 0 Comments President Donald Trump makes a phone call as he golfs at Trump National Golf Club on November 26, 2020 […]

After Years of Mass Organizing, Argentina Could Legalize Abortion Tomorrow
From Jacobin On December 11, after more than twenty consecutive hours of debate, the lower house of the Argentine congress voted to legalize abortion. The upper house will vote on December 29. If the law is approved, Argentina will join Uruguay and Cuba as the third country in Latin America to allow abortion without […]

How Amy Coney Barrett and Barack Obama Transcended Petty Partisanship to Crush Community Activists in Chicago
From Jacobin Proving that architectural narcissism isn’t a quality limited to the outgoing forty-fifth president, Barack Obama is currently attempting to erect a hideous 235-foot tower, a monument to himself and his presidency, in a park in Chicago, over the objections of community groups. Local organizations fighting the project recently suffered a defeat at […]

Austerity Is Looming in New York. Is Ray McGuire the Mayor to Carry It Out?
From Jacobin “Only bankers and businessmen could cure the situation,” observed John Kenneth Galbraith in 1977, for “[t]heirs indeed was a special, even magical, talent where money was concerned.” Galbraith was sarcastically describing the popular mythology surrounding New York’s City fiscal crisis of the mid-1970s, which saw Wall Street impose a neoliberal austerity agenda […]

Our Next Attorney General Must Boldly Set a Course Toward Justice
From CommonDreams Published on Monday, December 28, 2020 by People's Action Blog Our Next Attorney General Must Boldly Set a Course Toward Justice Black people showed up for Biden; now we need an attorney general who will show up for us. by Jodi Risper 0 Comments Joe Biden appears with his Vice President-elect Kamala […]

Covid-19 Exposed the Urgency for a Right to Housing
From CommonDreams Published on Monday, December 28, 2020 by The Progressive Covid-19 Exposed the Urgency for a Right to Housing Without giving renters the option to buy their homes, this crisis could be even worse than the Great Recession. by Marisa Endicott 0 Comments Activists and relief groups in New York City join a […]

In the Fight Against Poor Health, the USA Is Punching Well Below Its Weight
From CommonDreams Americans today have a life expectancy of 78.5 years. People in other high-income nations lead longer lives. Japan and Hong Kong, for instance, enjoy a life expectancy of 84 years. The United States has also fared poorly with Covid-19, with some of the highest caseloads in the world. All this raises an […]

The US Government Can Provide Universal Childcare — It’s Done So in the Past
From Jacobin Our Current Childcare System Has Failed Today, universal childcare seems like a distant dream to most working-class mothers. Those who are able to afford the exorbitant rates, costing as much as $30,000 a year in some places, usually have few options and wait on long lists to get into the centers that […]

Bill Gates’s Foundation Is Leading a Green Counterrevolution in Africa
From Jacobin Over the last five years, the number of people around the world suffering from hunger has been on the rise. Against this backdrop, a decades-old debate continues to rage, asking which agricultural approaches can provide everyone with sufficient healthy food. One simplistic answer comes from governments in the Global North (and so, […]

During the Black Sea Mutiny, French Sailors Rejected France’s War on Soviet Russia
From Jacobin Mutinies If often overlooked by historians, the mutinies nonetheless deserve closer attention. They had their origin in the Allies’ intervention in the Russian Civil War, beginning in 1918. This intervention was a consequence of the threat posed to the victorious powers in World War I by both the Russian Revolution and the […]

Cybernetics and the Trump
From CommonDreams It was a joyous occasion and it was only too bad that the trump was unable to attend because of the press of business in what, during his tenure became known as the “Offal Office.” The occasion was the announcement of the name to be given to those serving in a new […]

U.S. veterans to request GAO investigation of Henoko base construction/辺野古新基地建設地、米側が調査を 元軍人の会 来月の総会で決議提起
Veterans for Peace—Ryukyu Okinawa Chapter Kokusai (VFP-ROCK) President Douglas Lummis and members held a press conference at Okinawa’s prefectural press club on July 25. The group announced VFP-ROCK’s intentions to submit a new resolution for approval at the 34th National Convention of Veterans For Peace, which will be held in Spokane, WA next month. They seek to halt the construction of the new base in Henoko, Nago City with the new resolution.

九州20ヵ所猛毒除草剤埋設 ベトナム戦争の枯れ葉剤成分 (Dioxin buried around Japan)
Japanese government buried 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid produced at Omuta factory all around Japan. Kitakyushu City University researcher speculates it was Japanese government policy to sell this chemical to the US military for use in the production of Agent Orange by mixing with 2,4-D-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Official use, according to the government, was to control weeds in the […]
Debating Maoism in Contemporary China: Reflections on Benjamin I. Schwartz, Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao
From Japan Focus Abstract: Xi Jinping’s frequent references to Mao Zedong, along with Xi’s own claims to ideological originality, have fueled debate over the significance of Maoism in the PRC today. The discussion recalls an earlier debate, at the height of the Cold War, over the meaning of Maoism itself. This paper revisits […]

Speakeasy: Opposition Party Consolidation
From Shingetsu News Agency Calendar December 2020 M T W T F S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Rape in Japan is a crime but justice is rarely served. A Non-Arrest & Shiori Ito’s Full Statement
Japan Subculture Research Center “…New allegations have raised the possibility that the administration may have gone so far as to quash a rape investigation on behalf of a close friend of [Prime Minister] Abe: the dapper, hipster-bearded broadcast journalist Noriyuki Yamaguchi, who also penned two laudatory books on the prime minister… “Noriyuki Yamaguchi has categorically […]

My Lai, Sexual Assault and the Black Blouse Girl: Forty-Five Years Later, One of America’s Most Iconic Photos Hides Truth in Plain Sight
by Valerie Wieskamp – It has become almost a requirement in American culture that people talk about “supporting our veterans”. But this is what our soldiers do-they invade, they rape, they silence. Not every soldier, of course. But militarism embraces violence, and no- our soldiers have not died defending our freedoms. They have died defending our […]
Social Justice/社会正義

Czechs Don’t Use Amazon, but Amazon Does Use Czechs
From Jacobin Next Stop: Dobrovíz-Amazon The Dobrovíz municipality lies several kilometers west of the outskirts of Prague, combining a historical center with a typical suburban satellite housing development. It is located near the airport as well as the R6 express road, an important connection between Prague and Western Europe. This good accessibility draws in […]

A Democratic Socialist Will Soon Be Sworn in as Judge in Las Vegas
From Jacobin The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) notched several high-profile wins at the ballot box this past November. But not all of those wins made national headlines. One such victory: the election of Las Vegas DSA-endorsed lawyer Erika Ballou to the district court of Clark County, Nevada. Ballou is a career public defender, […]

Water Protectors Confront Japanese Banks
SNA (Tokyo) — The campaign against the Dakota Access Pipeline launched in December 2016 by a handful of Japanese activists entered a new round of activity this month when two Native Americans, who are Standing Rock Water Protectors, visited Japan, aiming at grassroots alliance-building with international indigenous groups. Myron Dewey and William Patrick Kincaid, along […]

Swedes still dying from Chernobyl radiation
“All in all, there’s no safe radiation, exposure to any radiation levels is dangerous,” according to Gabor Tiroler, teacher of public health at Uppsala University and former World Health Organization specialist. Tiroler says that the official point of view on this topic is usually to tell people that radiation in cattle meat, mushrooms, berries, fish and soil is not that dangerous, in an attempt to avoid panic. A lesson to be learned about Fukushima and the complicity of the State in intentionally keeping people misinformed.
War and Empire/戦争&支配権力

Debunking All The Assange Smears – Caitlin Johnstone – Medium
Debunking All The Assange Smears Caitlin Johnstone Have you ever noticed how whenever someone inconveniences the dominant western power structure, the entire political/media class rapidly becomes very, very interested in letting us know how evil and disgusting that person is? It’s true of the leader of every nation which refuses to allow itself to […]

Venezuela Accuses U.S. of Secretly Shipping Arms After Weapons Found on Plane with Possible CIA Ties (Elliot Abrams connection?)
From Democracy Now A North Carolina-based air freight company has halted flights to Venezuela following a report by McClatchy linking it to possible arms smuggling. Last week, Venezuelan authorities claimed they had uncovered 19 assault weapons, 118 ammunition cartridges and 90 military-grade radio antennas on board a U.S.-owned plane that had flown from Miami into […]

News and Views from the Global South
Several rights groups responded Friday, calling on Trump to repeal the ban, which applies to migrants from Syria and 5 other countries in Africa and the Middle East. “Trump was using very strong words last night to describe the cruelty and the horrors that children and civilians in general are enduring (in Syria),” Maria McFarland Sánchez-Moreno, co-director […]

Takata Fined $1 Billion For Hiding Information on Exploding Car Airbags
Reports of injuries and deaths began to circulate soon after but they did not make major headlines until about seven years ago. On May 27, 2009, Ashley Parham, a teenager in Oklahoma, died when the airbag in her 2001 Honda Accord exploded. The following year Gurjit Rathore was killed in Virginia, when the airbag in her 2001 Honda Accord exploded.